Wednesday, May 27, 2009

Bubbles, Bubbles, My Bubbles

For those of you who do not have kids yet make a note of this: BUBBLES ARE GOLDEN.

I have a new calling at church and so for the last two hours of church every Sunday I'm in nursery watching the 18 months to 3 years olds. Generally at the very end we play with bubbles, magical bubbles. The kids all love it and I'm not ashamed to admit that bubbles still fascinate me, too.

Matt, Braden, and I went and sat on our front lawn and played with bubbles yesterday and had a great time together. This summer commit yourself to playing with bubbles, I promise you'll have fun and will find yourself in a good mood.

Braden loves bubbles and is so gentle with them, just like he is with most everything else.


Tiersha said...

He is so cute!!!! I can't believe how big he is getting.

Valley Girl said...

your little guy is too cute! I gew up with matt and am so excited that you guys have a blog...i have added you to my blog roll if that is ok.

Um i have to say bubbles are not so magical at my house though. My kids like to dump them, or they end up in a fist fight... if only there was a better way to claim a floating bubble as yours to pop.